Opening day race & Opening day lunch

Just a reminder about this weekend coming. On Saturday evening we have our opening day race kicking off at the starting line at Fahan 18.00.
On Sunday we have our opening day lunch in the clubhouse with doors opening at 1.30 and food being served from 2.00. Could anyone who is attending the opening day lunch and not confirmed their attendance please forward names to myself on 0860819415 as caterer needs confirmed numbers by Thursday morning. Food is priced at €15 per head🤙

Race Declaration Form


An updated race declaration form is now available for download. Skippers can print the form, 2 pages per A4 sheet.

This form must be used going forward. All fields must be completed for all series races.

NOTE: An OD’s result(if an OD is appointed) will take precedent over a self declared time. Skippers will be advised of the appointment of an OD prior to the start of the race.

Online form also available here.

Any further enquiries please contact the sailing committee.

2023 Club Handbook


The copy of this years handbook will be available to members over the coming weeks. You can collect a copy from the clubhouse post racing on 15th, 16th of April and 22nd April. The book can also be collected at the opening day lunch on 23rd April.


Opening day Lunch & Commodore’s Welcome

It’s that time of the year again with summer only around the corner so it’s time to celebrate our opening day lunch and commodores welcome. This is a great chance to get together and talk about the coming season’s plans with friends old and new.
Yes catering are providing the food from 2.00pm. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.