Reminder for IRC Certs


As we look towards starting outdoor activities and getting back onto the water this is a reminder that IRC certs should be applied for and forwarded to me for this season.

As with all races and regatta’s we request an IRC certificate before we allow any yacht to participate and award any final results.



Handicaps 2021

Some of you have received your reminder to renew your VPRS cert for the incoming season.
As stated in earlier emails, we tried the VPRS system so we could merge fleets if necessary.  This was not the success that we thought it would be.
For the incoming season, hopefully April, or soon thereafter I am reverting back to a Club and IRC handicap system.  Club fleet will revert to the handicaps that were used last and published in the club website (2019).
The IRC fleet should apply for their IRC cert and present this to me upon resumption of competitive sailing.

Any issue please let me know.

NOTE: Please vote for your sailor of the year on the Afloat website. By the way, this IS Garry Crothers…just saying..


Sailing Secretary 2021

Please Stay Safe on and off the water!
Wear a Mask, Wash your Hands and Keep your Distance!

Skellig Michael…

See the enclosed link to a letter sent to Minister Noonan regarding the proposed changes to the visitor schedule for Skellig Michael. Please read the letter 201202 Skellig Michael and the implications that the proposals will have on visiting yachts and the standards applied to other World Heritage Sites.

The full text of the draft proposals are available here on the World Heritage site Ireland website.

This is a very good read both in terms of the work that ICC undertake and the work of the OPW in terms of heritage protection.

The views that Norman and the ICC present are about standardising access to WH sites and inclusion rather than exclusion.

Please give yourself some time to have a read through.


Reminder LSYC AGM ’20

Just a reminder for this who have yet to express an interest in attending the virtual AGM this year. If you do not express interest then you will not be able to attend.
Lough Swilly Yacht Club will hold its annual AGM on 24th November 2020 at 7:30pm. Unlike other years we will hold this AGM via an online meeting. The clubhouse will not be open due to the guidelines as outlined by HSE.
If you wish to attend the virtual meeting please send an email to confirming your interest.
A few days before the actual event I will send a link to the meeting. The link will be available from 10 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Please see the agenda enclosed. If there is a matter that requires a discussion then let me know beforehand and it can be added to the agenda under other business.


1. Apologies

2. Minutes from the last AGM – 10th December 2019

3. Commodore’s Report – Fergal Canning

4. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts for the Past Year

5. Sailing Secretary’s Report

6. Resolutions 2020

– Future of the Club Bar

7. Election of Officers for the Coming Year:

Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Hon. Treasurer/Past Commodore
Hon. Secretary
Sailing Secretary
General Members

8. Incoming Commodore’s Remarks – Leonard Wilson.

9. Confirmation of Subscriptions for 2021

10. Any Other Business


Fergal Canning
Commodore LSYC 2020.

Covid related Programme Changes

Due to changes in Covid restrictions in both Derry and Donegal we have had to curtail our sailing programme for the next few weeks at least. We have been advised by the ISA that we cannot organise any racing. We can continue to train while observing social distancing and stay within a social bubble. Crews should preferably be from the same household.
Until the HSE and HSC change the guidelines we should not gather in any social groups either indoor or outdoor.

If we train then ALL participants must observe social distancing, use a face covering and use of hand sanitiser is a must.

It is the responsibility of all skippers to keep a contact tracing log for every day they have crew out on the water.

Where possible the use of a contact tracing app is advisable.

We are all responsible for each others health and safety.

Stay safe.

No further racing until further notice.
Training can continue within a social bubble, use contact tracing, use of a face covering and sanitiser.