The Board of the ISA has engaged Fiona Bolger to complete a communications survey and develop a communications plan for the organisation. Fiona has worked in the maritime and tourism industries over the last 20 years and her sailing clients include, TP52 Patches campaign 2005-2007, Green Dragon Racing Team 08-09 & Galway Volvo Ocean Race Festival, Cork in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2009-2010, Super yacht Christina O, ISA Mitsubishi Youth National Championships 2011 and the ISAF Youth Worlds Dublin Bay 2012.
We want to know the views of our members so that we can communicate better with you and grow the sport for the benefit of everyone.
2012 will be a big year for Irish sailing internationally – Ireland will play host to a number of major sailing events and we have an opportunity to maximise the profile of the sport through these events and also through the hundreds of club, class and national events in 2012 so your view is important to us as we plan for the coming years.
We would very much appreciate your support for this project and ask that you would take time to complete the short 18 question survey online at here and also spread the word to others.
The closing date for entry is 20 August 2011 and all participants will be entered in a draw for a holiday for 2 people to Gran Canaria courtesy of Sunway Holidays. We will share the results of the survey and the plans with our members in the autumn.
Many thanks for your assistance,