Opening Day Lunch

The Opening Day Lunch will be on Sunday 23rd April, save the date in your diaries!
We look forward to the incoming Sailing Season and seeing friends, old and new at the lunch. More details later.

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VHF Changes UK Only

VHF Marine Radio Channel information from our colleagues in HMCG

Take note of the changes happening across the UK from September 2017.


Boat owners, shipping companies and anyone who puts out to sea are being informed about a change in some of the VHF channel numbers used to contact UK Coastguard.

As a result of changes to Appendix 18 (Marine VHF) of the Radio Regulations it will mean that VHF channels 23, 84 and 86 will no longer be used for either Maritime Safety Information (MSI) or Radio Medical Advice.

The channels to use from September 2017 will be VHF 62, 63 and 64. The use of VHF Channel 10 for MSI and pollution control (back up) is unchanged.

Mark Lawson from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency said: ‘Although it’s not happening until September, when it happens the changeover will be absolute and we want to make people aware of this changeover in good time given our commitment to deliver maritime safety and wider support to the maritime community.

‘The exact date of change will be announced as soon as possible. In the meantime, we suggest anyone who uses any type of vessel makes a careful note of these replacement channels so they are ready when it does happen.’

IRCG contact channels remain unchanged as per image.

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Revised Race Management Course Date

Hi All,
We have had to change the date of the Race Management Course to the 20th/21st of May due to logistical reasons. There has been a lot of initial interest shown, so make sure to book your place early. It should be very interesting. Same arrangements apply, theory on Saturday and practical application on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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Bridie Lawrance RIP

The Committee and Members of LSYC
would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the Lawrance family at this very sad time. The funeral takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a.m. in Ardmore Chapel.

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