Pint & Quart snaps


Hopefully you should be able to click on the button below to see some snaps I took on Sunday.

Unfortunately I did not have a decent camera with me.

Trying to use the zoom function on my phone while steering Pippa at the same time means that the quality is pretty low but hopefully they are of some interest.



AD4M7ozNUz3A8pK8_qoRqwvZtvecqwS-0TLJDiFRr3uE=s80-cc Graham Wilkinson shared an album with you

Portsalon Pint and Quart

Race Start Time:
Would all Skippers please note that Sunday’s Pursuit Race will start at 10.00 sharp.
Gerry Fearon (Faustina X) has once again, generously agreed to be OD.
Instructions ref times etc. will be announced by VHF Radio, Ch 06 on the day.
I wish you all an enjoyable day’s racing and hope to meet up with you all in Portsalon for the Prize-giving and refreshments afterwards.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Portsalon Pint and Quart

For Your Information:

I have arranged for a rib to take us ashore for the prize giving after the race on Sunday. A fee of €5 return per head has been agreed.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Thursday evening racing

Thursday evening is the last in the Helmsman series.
Race start at 7pm.
High water is 8:45pm, coming off springs.

Current standings are:

Results For Both Classes



Class 1

Sailed: 5, Discards: 0, To count: 5, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 4, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat SailNo Owner TCF Helmsman 1 Helmsman 3 Helmsman 4 Helmsman 5 Helmsman 6 Total Nett
1st Wishful Thinking GBR 7089N Kieran McAllister .908 2.00 4.00 ONE 0.75 4.00 DNC 6.00 DNC 16.75 16.75
2nd Mako GBR 2305 Hasson Family .911 0.75 5.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 4.00 DNC 2.00 18.75 18.75
3rd Drama Queen IRL 8828 William McAusland .937 6.00 DNC 5.00 DNC 3.00 4.00 DNC 0.75 18.75 18.75
4th Niamh IRL 1127 Brian McCafferty .971 6.00 DNC 5.00 DNC 2.00 4.00 DNC 6.00 DNC 23.00 23.00

Class 2

Sailed: 5, Discards: 0, To count: 5, Rating system: TCF, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat SailNo Owner TCF Helmsman 1 Helmsman 3 Helmsman 4 Helmsman 5 Helmsman 6 Total Nett
1st Lilium 19 Graham Wilkinson .830 0.75 2.00 7.00 DNC 0.75 0.75 11.25 11.25
2nd Mountain Mist IRL 1128 Peter Smyth .830 5.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 19.00 19.00
3rd Ladyhawk K2623T Martin Coyle .855 4.00 3.00 7.00 DNC 6.00 3.00 23.00 23.00
4th L’Escargot IRL 17 John Hughes .820 3.00 10.00 DNC 7.00 DNC 2.00 2.00 24.00 24.00
5th In A Rush Jack McGinley .840 2.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 DNC 24.00 24.00
6th Firsty GBR 8554Y Antoin MacGabhann .835 9.00 DNC 0.75 0.75 10.00 DNC 8.00 DNC 28.50 28.50
7th J’Aimee 361 Paschal Lawrance .890 9.00 DNC 5.00 7.00 DNC 3.00 8.00 DNC 32.00 32.00