Race Schedule Change


Please note the change to race schedule for the start of the season. Due to extreme tidal conditions this weekend and the reduced possibility for a crane lift, the calendar has been changed.

We will drop back from a 4 race Early Bird series to a 3 race Early Bird series with all 3 to count. The first of these races is Sunday 7th April at 8am….yes 8am start!

Its officially 11 more sleeps!

Looking forward to seeing you at the start line at 7:50am sharp!



Irish Sailing – Club Growth Symposium 2019

Dear Club Committee Member

As a member of the Symposium Organising Committee and fellow Club Committee Member I would like to invite you and / or other members of your club committee to our second Club Growth Symposium which takes place on Saturday 23rd of March in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, and to confirm your place, please book here.

After the success of the inaugural Club Growth Symposium last year Irish Sailing is planning a bigger and “better together conference” focusing how we connect with our members and create a tribal culture as we adapt to changing times. The symposium is aimed at people in your club and centre throughout the country who are passionate ‘doers’, growth promoters, media managers and organisational leaders. Our aim is to:

· Connect and learn as a group by sharing our experiences through small group sessions facilitated by experienced club volunteers.

· Looking at innovative training products around the country and rethinking the promotion of their club / centre using digital media.

· “Your voice your say” together forge the way of sailing in our organisations, following on from last year’s stop start continue session and share the challenges and ideas we all have for the future.

We will be welcoming prominent guest speakers and as always all clubs will be sharing successful club stories with you on the day.

There will be plenty of free coffee breaks to give attendees ample opportunity to network with like minded doers, the facilitated workshops will be short and in groups of 12-15 to give each attendee a chance to attend all workshops and actively engage in the sharing. There will also be a panel discussion with group tasks developing strategic plans for Irish Sailing. The event is free and there is a lunch deal available on the day.

"Are you in? " Book Here


· Date: Saturday 23rd March 2019

· Location: The Hodson Bay Hotel – Athlone

· Timing: 10:00-16:00

A few quotes from 2018 …

· "Excellent opportunity to network and share ideas"

· "Loved the chance to collaborate face to face"

· "Using the wealth of experience in the room was amazing"

If you have any queries or requests for the symposium, don’t hesitate to contact me (details below) or Ciarán Murphy at ciaran.murphy or 087 8800744 anytime.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Yours in sailing

25 more sleeps….

Only 25 more sleeps until the 1st race of the 2019 season.

The Early Birds series kicks off the season on 30th March quickly followed by the Opening Day race on 13th April.

The Opening Day lunch is 14th April in the clubhouse….the newly refurbished clubhouse so we look forward to opening the doors and inviting you all to warm your barnacles by the stove and celebrate the 2019 season.

See the full race calendar now here