AGM LSYC, 30th November 2021

Lough Swilly Yacht Club will hold its annual AGM on 30th November 2020 at 7:30pm.
Subject to Covid regulations this will take place in the clubhouse, Fahan.

1. Apologies 
2. Minutes from the last AGM – 24th November 2020 
3. Commodore’s Report – Leonard Wilson
4. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts for the Past Year 
5. Sailing Secretary’s Report 
6. Resolutions 2022
7. Election of Officers for the Coming Year: 
Vice Commodore 
Rear Commodore 
Hon. Treasurer/Past Commodore 
Hon. Secretary 
Sailing Secretary 
General Members 
8. Incoming Commodore’s Remarks – Eoghan O’Grady 
9. Confirmation of Subscriptions for 2022
10. Any Other Business


Leonard Wilson
Commodore LSYC 2021

Sale category!

See the new menu category above where there will occasionally be a boat or two for sale.
If you have a boat for sale then drop me a description and some pics (within reason) and I may be able to post the ad.
Were not going to challenge Apollo Duck (Other sites are available) but its a local thing!
I’ll put it up there for a month.
Hope you are successful.



Dinner Dance Seats

I and others will be at the Yacht Club on Saturday and Sunday after racing.  We can accept cash or cheques for payment of seat for the dinner dance.  

Book your place using the form by clicking on the link here

Please fill out the number of seats etc.

Or if you wish please drop me or Leonard a note on the number or email below and I can add you to the sheet so numbers are accurate.

I can take a Euro payment €50 or £45 using PayPal for those who cannot see a member of the committee before the 5th Nov.
If using PayPal then send the funds as Family and Friends…As that’s what we are!
PLEASE ensure you put your name on the transfer so we know who has paid…

Or we can take €50 cash or cheque or £45 stg cash or cheque on Saturday or Sunday.  

Link to the PayPal is

If necessary you can contact me on 07594835737 (text or WhatsApp) or 
Leonard 0872203380 or

Any queries or issues please let me or Leonard know.


Annual Prizegiving 5th Nov ’21

Hi all,
Confirmation of date for Annual Prizegiving is Friday 5th November in An Granian Hotel, Burt.
Re :Entertainment,  Restrictions at the meantime allow for live music with a finish time of 12:30 (00:30 hours) unless restrictions are amended after 22nd October.

See the seat allocation request form here.

Email & Mobile phone number plus the number and Names of those who will be attending need to be completed.

Proposal for the Evening
Order for the Evening:   
Commodore reception at 7:30 pm,
People seated  at  8:00 pm 
Brief Introductory/ Welcome Speech
Meal should be finished by 9:30 or there abouts, with Awards ceremony to follow,  (time schedule) hour and a half would take us to 11:00pm, 
Limited Dance time to follow. (Proposal provisional subject to advice and amendments)

We also invite submissions for Gollan Cup.  Best cruising log.  Considering some of you have managed some epic journeys to the Med and the Western Isles of Scotland in the last number of weeks and months then there should be plenty to write about…

We also invite nominations for the Mairead Trophy.  This is awarded for seamanship.  any club member can nominate any other member for their outstanding seamanship in a particular event or occasion, or their attitude towards seamanship throughout the season, or the encouragement of of good seamanship in others throughout the season.  Please write you nomination email to Leonard or any committee member.

Please submit your cruising log or Mairead Trophy nomination  before 30th October… No pressure!

Regards, Your Commodore
Leonard Wilson

Lifeboat Regatta


Yesterday we had a fantastic show of boats for the Lifeboat regatta. 12 Boats in total came to the line for racing. Probably the best show of the year. Thanks to all who took time to show up and compete.

Even better than the great show of boats was the number of those who came back to the clubhouse and showed support for the RNLI. It was a really good showing. We had a number of Lifeboat crew in attendance along with John McCarter. A few buckets were present and readily filled.

I spoke to John today and he has informed me that we collected in excess of €830. That is an extraordinary sum of money. John has expressed his gratitude for the collection which is very much needed in these times of budget tightening.

Lets hope we can do the same or better in the forthcoming Annual Prizegiving.

