VPRS Rollout


For this coming year (2020) we will move from IRC & Progressive based (Club fleet) handicap system to VPRS.  VPRS is similar to IRC as a boat will have a set of measurements based on the hull and sails.  The advantage of moving to VPRS is where we have a small number of boats for a race we can race as a single fleet.  More information can be found at http://vprs.org .  The fee for the cert is £20 for the year.  You can still apply for an IRC cert but LSYC will not sail an IRC fleet and all not require this before the start of the season.

If possible / necessary I would like to hold a skippers meeting to discuss concerns.

It may be possible for some skippers to measure their boats on the water before hauling out. All boats will require some degree of measuring to complete the form. Its not complex but does require some time.

Please let me know your views.


2019 AGM


Gentle reminder of tomorrows AGM.

The meeting is scheduled (rescheduled) for 7:30pm tomorrow in the Clubhouse in Fahan.

Your attendance is most welcome.



Postponement of AGM

Due to unforeseen circumstances this evenings AGM has had to be postponed.

We are very sorry for the late notice.

We will schedule the AGM for Tuesday 10th December at 7:30pm in the Clubhouse.