Team Ireland Vendee Globe Challenge

It is with great admiration that Lough Swilly Yacht Club sends its best wishes to Enda O’Coineen and Team Ireland as Enda embarks on the upcoming Vendée Globe campaign.  We are delighted that the Irish sailing community has an ambassador to represent and promote this island nation on such a global scale.

We appreciate that the magnitude of diverse challenges Enda will face are as vast as the oceans he will cross and we acknowledge the level of resilience needed to overcome them. With that in mind the quote “to finish first, first you must finish” seems fitting and we bid Enda fair winds to complete the circumnavigation. Although it will be a solo voyage we trust he will draw strength from the knowledge of avid sailors at home who will be eagerly tracking the Kilcullen Voyager.

If anyone want to learn more about the campaign, click on

Best speed, success and safety,

Brendan Johnston


Agenda for the AGM on Tuesday 15 November 2016

Lough Swilly Yacht Club Annual General Meeting 15th November 2016 at 8pm
1. Apologies
2. Minutes from the last AGM – 24th November 2015
3. Commodore’s Report, Brendan Johnston
4. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts for the Past Year
5. Sailing Secretary’s Report
6. Approval by members of amended company constitution following changes in company law (access from the Downloads section of this web-site)
7. Resolutions 2015
8. Election of Officers for the Coming Year:
– Commodore
– Vice Commodore
– Rear Commodore
– Hon. Treasurer/Past Commodore
– Hon. Secretary
– Sailing Secretary
– General Members
9. Incoming Commodore’s Remarks, Charlie Mc Monagle
10. Confirmation of Subscriptions for 2017
11. Any other business

AGM Tuesday 15th November at 8pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Lough Swilly Yacht Club will take place on Tuesday 15th November 2016 in the Clubhouse at 8pm.

There will be one special motion:

“Approval by members of amended company constitution following changes in company law.”

Resolutions and nominations to the General Committee should be sent to Martin Coyle, Honorary Secretary by Monday 24th October 2016, either by post to 67, Glen Road, Derry, BT48 0BY or by email to martincoyle455.

All resolutions and details will be published to members on this site after this date.

Captain’s Log

Entries are now open for the Gollan Cup, our annual cruising log competition.

Please send your contribution by email to Brendan at

The winner will be announced at the Annual Dinner on 11th November at the Red Door.


Boatbuilding materials

An interesting offer from John Rutzen ……


I would like to know if anyone in the yacht club is into boatbuilding. The reason I ask is that I have quite a lot of boatbuilding materials I want to sell. I built a clinker ply sailing yawl about 15 years ago and have sailed it on the Swilly quite a few times but not recently. I am moving house and still have some super quality marine ply , brazilian mahogany , and West System materials for epoxy boatbuilding that I want to clear out. I also have a number of books on the subject. Please could you ask if anyone is interested and to get in touch with me at this email address. I live in Linsfort.

kind regards

John Rutzen