10% Membership Fees Discount Extension

Due to delays in sending out the Club Membership renewal letters the Deadline for availing of the 10% discount has been extended until the end of May.

We had a great day at the Opening Day lunch on Sunday with sunny weather a great atmosphere and a full club house. €437 was raised from the proceeds of the lunch for the club so thanks to everyone for attending and all those who helped out, Further social events to benifit the club will take place throughout the season.

Hope to see you on the water soon
Happy Sailing


Opening Day Lunch Sunday 29th at 1pm

Kick off the 2018 Sailing Season this weekend with a get together in the Club House.  All Welcome.  Come along, catch up and enjoy some great food and good company.
€15 for adults. €10 for children.
All Proceeds to the Club
Let’s start the 2018 season as we mean to go on, with a Party and have a great year.
Hope to see as many of you as possible on Sunday

See you there


LSYC New webpage

The new website is now live. The pages are now more mobile friendly. All the same content has been retained with some new additions.

Feel free to browse the site and pass on any suggestions.

Happy Sailing 2018



Irish Sailing Cruising Conference 2018 – Clayton Hotel Leopardstown, Saturday 17 Feb 2018

The Irish Sailing Cruising Conference is an important event for cruising sailors. Could you help let your members know the event details and give them the chance to come along by sharing the details. Below are three different options for sharing, choose which one suits you to share, they all loop in to each other. Thanks …

Spread the word through your own web, news feeds or social media please.



Gail MacAllister | Regional Development Officer – South, Cruising, WOWI | Irish Sailing

Tel+353 (0) 86 2214724

Head Office + 353 (0) 1 280 0239 | 3 Park Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin A96 K3C3 |www.sailing.ie

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Irish Sailing is the national governing body for sailing, powerboating and windsurfing in Ireland