2018 AGM

The 2018 Annual General Meeting of Lough Swilly Yacht Club will take place on Tuesday 27th November at 7:30 pm in the clubhouse, all members welcome


LSYC ensigns

I will be placing an order for LSYC club ensigns on Monday.

If any club member would like to order one for their own boat, please email karen.sleat@gmail.com by the weekend, and I’ll add your order to the list.

The ensigns will be woven polyester with a stitched logo on both sides, and rope loop and tail fittings for attachment.

I will have them by late December, but if anyone would like to have one before Christmas, and is happy to receive the whole delivery while I am away, please let me know.

The price is:

18” x 24” €50

24” x 36” €60

36” x 72” €120

If the order exceeds 4 flags, there will be a small reduction for shared shipping costs.



Annual Prize-giving 2018


Just one last reminder for numbers for tomorrow evening.  The room is just about fully occupied but there are two or three seats available.  If your considering a place then email the Jim at jimmcgowan.jmg@gmail.com and let him know how many places you require so the final number can be confirmed.

Look forward to seeing you all there!
