White Harte Regatta

Another fantastic day on the water today for the White Harte Regatta. Wind turned up also which made it a little more interesting.

As usual the White Harte pulled together a great spread for us hungry sailors. A big thank you to Patricia for providing the food at such short notice. A special note to the White Harte for presenting the club with a beautiful piece of Derryveagh Crystal. This is one race which the club looks forward to each year and this year we have a real momento which will take pride of place in the newly refurbished clubhouse. It will bring a special sparkle to the skippers snug.

A big thank you to Robert for acting as O.D. for the day and making it to Rathmullan for the start and finish of the race.

2 fleets started the race in Fahan with a spinnaker run up the Lough to Inch Spit, a beat to Inch Flat, another run via Kinnegar to Salt Pans, Inch Spit again and for IRC across to Kinnegar then finish at Rathmullan. The club fleet dropped Kinnegar, the penultimate mark being Inch Spit.

The fleet tied up at the pontoon in Rathmullan and made tracks to the White Harte for refreshments. Corrected times worked out, results tallied up and crumbs cleared away for the announcement.

In the IRC fleet congratulations to Zutsy on a fine performance and taking 1st place.

In the Club Fleet congratulations to Firsty taking 1st place, Ladyhawk 2nd place and Mountain Mist 3rd place.

Thanks to all those who came to the start line in less than favourable conditions.

The club fleet accepting the White Harte Crystal Trophy.

White Harte Regatta-25th May

There will be two races on the day with the first race start starting in Fahan and finishing at a line in Rathmullan .The Second race will start and finish in Rathmullan.

The forecast is light for tomorrow so the course may be shortened. Robert will do the start sequence from Rathmullan via the radio.

Considering the tides we need to get away sharp at 10am to get 2 races in, get into the White Harte, prizegiving and make it back into the Marina before 3’ish.

Race 1 will be as follows :

IRC course
Start at Club Line 10.00am

Spit to Port
Flat to Port
Kinnergar to Starboard
Saltpans to port
Whitestrand to Port
Spit to starboard

Finish at Rathmullan ( North side of Pier not more the 100mtrs due East )

Club Class

Start at Club Line 10.00am .
Spit to Port
Flat to Port
Kinnergar to Starboard
Saltpans to Starboard
Spit to starboard
Finish at Rathmullan ( North side of Pier not more the 100mtrs due East )

Race 2 will be announced on VHF channel 6 when all boats have finished Race 1.

I would encourage everyone to support this event as the Whitehart strongly support LSYC and it would be great to have a good turnout of members boats to show our appreciation.



Viking Lord (Westerly Falcon 35) will be setting of shortly bound for Falmouth to take part in the Azores & Back Race (AZAB2019).   Myself and John Gray will compete in the 2-handed category racing to Ponta Delgada on the island of São Miguel and then racing back after a brief stop.   The total course will be over 2400 nautical miles and we expect a passage time of 12-14 days for each leg.  After 2 years preparation, a qualifying voyage to Rockall,  training and fitting out, we are ready for the challenge and look forward to crossing the start line on the 1stJune with the fleet.

As part of this enterprise we are raising money for 2 local charities –  NI Motor Neurone Disease Association and Habitat for Humanity.  All donations to these very worthy charities will be greatly appreciated.  To encourage donations John’s Employer,  will double the amount we raise ourselves.  Donations can be made through Virginmedia page –  


Anyone making a donation can submit a predicted finish time for our trip with prizes for the nearest predictions –  simply send a message with your donation and include your total predicted finish time  in Days, Hours, Minutes & Seconds.  Time should be overall time for both legs.

Our progress can be followed on-line via tracker (http://azab.co.uk/)  and we also have a blogspot –  http://www.sailblogs.com/mmeber/vikinglord/

Looking forward to a good sailing and a great trip.

Dr Paul McSorley


Hi All,

This years Whitehart Regatta will take place on Saturday 25th May ,

There will be two races on the day with the first race start starting in Fahan and finishing at a line in Rathmullan .The Second race will start and finish in Rathmullan.

Race 1 will be as follows :

IRC course

Start at Club Line 10.00am .

Spit to Port

Flat to Port

Kinnergar to Starboard

Saltpans to port

Whitestrand to Port

Spit to starboard

Finish at Rathmullan ( North side of Pier not more the 100mtrs due East )

Club Class

Start at Club Line 10.00am .
Spit to Port
Flat to Port
Kinnergar to Starboard
Saltpans to Starboard
Spit to starboard
Finish at Rathmullan ( North side of Pier not more the 100mtrs due East )

Race 2 will be announced on VHF channel 6 when all boats have finished Race 1.

I would encourage everyone to support this event as the Whitehart strongly support LSYC and it would be great to have a good turnout of members boats to show our appreciation.


Portsalon Ferry Service-11th May


A punt has been arranged to carry passengers to and from the pier at Portsalon on Saturday.  First pick up scheduled for 2pm.The price for a round trip is 5 Euro pp.  

Again thanks to Gerry for arranging the set off times for the pursuit race.

Forecast not looking too bad.. winds NNW, 10-15kts with unbroken sun so don’t forget the factor 50!

See you at the start line @ 10am.