Viking Lord – AZAB 2019

Any of you who have been to the marina today will have seen Viking Lord back in her berth.

Congratulations to Paul and John on their epic voyage.

See the statement below from Paul Mc Sorley—

Viking Lord’s journey is done – we tied up in our berth in Fahan yesterday evening after a speedy windward passage from Ballycastle.

It was an epic trip – over 3200nm in total and we learned a lot about sailing along the way. We did manage to tart and finish both legs when 16 other boats retired. We may not have won but my goals were achieved. Viking Lord may not be a greyhound of the ocean but she was an easy plodder and looked after us.

Many thanks for all your support and for all the donations to our nominated charities – MDNA and Habitat.
Viking Lord will return after a short break and a few repairs.

Paul Mc Sorley

Viking Lords predicted total finish time (Elapsed), Official time 24 days 8 hours 45 mins and 58 seconds.

The winner of the closest prediction to the official time was William and Karen (Melodrama) with a prediction of 27 days 4 hours 15 mins and 1 second.

Karen and William have earned a special prize all the way from the Azores (Not just enough to have Paul back…)

Many thanks to all those whop put in a prediction.


Paul Mc Sorley

Melmore Race 6 July

Tomorrows race is a 10am start from Fahan start line. Let’s hope we have a good turnout!

The finish line is a transit between two virtual marks, A Line between Sessiagh Rocks (55°14.454N;7°45.820W) and Bar Rock (55°14.378N;7°46.312W)

All boats please take their own time and submit to me after the race. Weather is looking favourable so should be a good day.

Approximate position of the line. Line is between two rocks about 0.3nm apart.

We will then proceed to Fannys bay for the commodores inspection, hopefully about 7pm (19:00hrs).



Tory Race 22nd June 2019

10.00am Start from starting line at Fahan direct to Tory.  

Starting sequence will begin at 10:00am sharp!

The finish line will be as follows: A transit between the east end of the Pier  which is N55°14.788′ – W8°13.542′ and a virtual mark which will be the outer limit mark which is N55°15.787′ – W8°13.542′.  This is a 1nm line almost directly due south of the East end of the pier.

All competing Yachts must take their own elapsed time and relay same to me at the earliest convenience .

We hope to get race away on time so can everyone please be “on time”.
