VPRS Certificate Reminder

Just a reminder that, as we are approaching the start of the sailing season, we should have registered for and submitted their VPRS certificates.  If you have last years IRC cert, or at least a very recent cert, you can submit this to VPRS and receive your new cert.  This is a very quick process, most times same day return.  There is one measurement that you will need to complete and that will be the sails.  Most other measurements on the boat will be standard provided you have not modified the design.

Reminder…We are not using the IRC certificates this year.
We will no longer use the club created handicaps from previous years.  The VPRS cert is MANDATORY and failure to provide a cert will result in you not being able to participate in any club organised events.
Please submit your VPRS cert to the sailing secretary as soon as you receive it.

Drop a note to Ruth Kelly ruth@vprs.org and she will send out the details she has on file for your make and model of boat.  Measure your sails and email back.


Limited Training Session, Saturday 13th June @ 11:15am for 12pm to 1pm training.

We intend to run a training session this weekend, subject to Covid restrictions and guidance.  We intend to limit the number of skippers and crew…Anyone looking to participate in an organised and structured event should reply to myself or to the sailing secretary no later than 10am Saturday so we can organise the pre-training briefing.  If you can provide the number and names of crew that you intend to bring it will help for tracing should we need to do so. As we are working within the guidelines as set out with the HSE we cannot use the clubhouse.  We can assemble outside and conduct a briefing before we set out on the water. We must take precautions where necessary, so, if your crew is from a mixed household, i.e. not all living under the one roof then it is advisable to wear some form of face covering when in close proximity of another individual.  If all crew are from the same household then these restrictions are not applicable. Each person must bring their own hand sanitiser for their own protection and any equipment handled must be cleaned after. If possible clean the handrails, standing rigging, handrails, winches etc before hand should God not already have done so, to help help minimise the risks.

Assemble at 11:15am
Brief on the course to be sailed and training prerequisites
Check names and organise crews
Ensure face covering and sanitising solutions are available
Start the session @ 12 Midday to 1pm
Possible debrief after.

Garry Crothers RTE interview..


The intrepid Transatlantic sailor Garry Crothers conducted an interview with RTE just before he set sail from the Caribbean. He spoke to Marty Morrissey and told of the effort required to get him and his yacht back to Ireland and the much longed for pint in the Squealin’ pig. Some time later, and after Garry had left terra-firma, Marty spoke to Garry on SAT phone and he had a conversation with Marie about the fears for the solo sailor.

Marty was very impressed with Garrys determination to get back onto the water after his accident and admired his courage to embark on such an adventure. Wishing Garry a safe trip he would keep his radio audience informed of Garrys progress and ultimate arrival back home.

You can listen to the whole interview within the Marty Morrissey show at the following location in the RTE archives, https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/11199578 the interview with Garry starts about 24′ 49″  and ends at 47′ 50″.

We are sending our best wishes and good luck to Garry on his wee jaunt..

Hazard to boating


Hazard warning for anyone entering or leaving the marina.  Sammy has been in contact regarding pots that have been set in and around the start line and in the channel heading out into the lough from the marina entrance.  Some of the pots have very long lines that are trailing some 20 metres.  

There is a pot on the start line which is hard to see on leaving the marina.  In the channel running Northwest there are a further 3 pots on a string.

IF you do leave the marina please ensure you have a knife at hand should you foul on the ropes.  There is quite a good chance that by the time you would cut a line you could be on the marina wall.

On leaving the marina bear left leaving the inner start line marker on your starboard side.  


Handicaps / Racing 2020


As this year has progressed quite a bit without having fluttered a sail in the wind in earnest we have decided that, for this years IRC handicaps we will use last years IRC certificates.  IF anyone has purchased any new sails or Santa has decided they have been very good and given them some new sails you may wish to apply for a new cert but it is not mandatory.  If you haven’t applied for and received an IRC cert then do not apply for one.  For the Club handicaps we may make an adjustment to the numbers based on the results for 2019.

We hope to return to the water in the very near future.  A provisional schedule will be published in the club website under the 2020 racing calendar.  If we get notification from the Health Minister and the ISA then there may be an early start to the calendar.  In the unlikely event that this happens then I will publish details on line, adding dates as appropriate.

In any event we will apply social distancing in so far as is necessary.  Safety is our priority but I hope that we can still see some sails hoisted in the next few weeks.

I hope to see you all on the water in the very near future.  In the meantime stay safe.
