RNLI Cheque Presentation

We have arranged to present cheque for €5200 ( proceeds from Dinner Dance raffle) to the RNLI on this Sat after the race, approx 12:30 or so  Presentation will be at Clubhouse and John McCarter will be coming.
Everyone is welcome to attend for a photo. 

Racing 27th Nov -Cancelled!

With the weather outlook for the next 24hours looking pretty terrible I am going to cancel the race tomorrow.
The forecast for Sunday looks like it will allow racing to proceed, although maybe the wind will drop to the other end of the scale!

Unless otherwise stated racing is cancelled tomorrow Sat 27th Nov.

We will still proceed with Sunday racing as scheduled.


Annual Prize-giving Evening

A BIG thank you to all of those who attended our Annual prize-giving evening yesterday.
The evening was very well attended, a big success.

Thanks to Leonard and Co. for organising the event.  Hopefully next year we will have a more normal event with the absent faces making a welcome return!

As part of the evening we had a raffle organised by Catherine Noone in aid of the local RNLI station.  A very big thank you to Catherine for putting the event together.

To those who purchased tickets, a big thank you!
To those who donated the prizes a very big thank you!  

The total nett sum raised for RNLI was €5188.12
(Final figure less the raffle admin fess for card transactions by Stripe and hosting of the event by Rally.com ).  

This is a truly amazing amount of money.  This will really help save life and limb locally.  

Looking forward to seeing you all back on the water Sat 13th.


RNLI Raffle / Dinner Dance


Just a reminder about the RNLI Raffle. The raffle ticket sales are still available … NOTE this is online only. Unfortunately we cannot sell entries on the night.
If you haven’t already done so, grab your entry now!!


With regard to the Dinner dance itself, seats are selling very quickly. If you haven’t already booked one, can you please book your seats now!

Contact Leonard, myself, Paul or Eoghan, email, phone or text..

RNLI Raffle

We are running an online raffle in aid of RNLI.  All prizes have very kindly been donated by local businesses.  Please support this by taking part yourself, liking and sharing on social media and spread the word.

Lough Swilly Yacht Club is raising money for the RNLI. We are very grateful to the RNLI volunteers for the work that they do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. 

Knowing that the RNLI is there to help in an emergency is a huge comfort to all who take to the waters whether for leisure or work. Indeed anyone who lives near the water knows the value of the RNLI. 

They need funds to keep up their work throughout the year and we’re asking you to please support our raffle from which every cent raised will go to the RNLI locally. 

We have some great prizes for you to win from €10. 

We are grateful for your support!
